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Catholic Children's Book

Addie and Mary, A Child's Love for the Blessed Mother, is finally here!

Gosh, October. Oh wait it's November! Gosh, 2020. If there ever was a time for things to be better late than never, maybe it's now, haha! What a season we are all in, huh? Maybe this is the time for such things like little picture books written 6 years ago to come to fruition? I don't know. But I sure am glad that God can use us and nudge us any time, right? Maybe little kids and their parents needed the reminder of Mother Mary's ongoing love and protection over the world. Maybe I needed the reminder that Mary didn't have much control over her world at the time but that God called her to be ever watchful, loving, faithful, and courageous. For those reasons and hopefully more, this little, simple children's book is now published! It is available here on Amazon.


Addie and Mary is about our oldest's love for Mary as a toddler, (flash to now and she's 8 and just received her first communion; see picture below to see how big she is, gah!) and a wonderful reminder of Mary's constant presence in all of our lives!

With its simple text (Spanish included!) and adorable illustrations, Addie and Mary introduces Mary to little ones as a statue who Addie loves to be around and visit in her backyard.

Addie also sees Mary in all the places she visits in her little world - on her walks in the stroller, at her grandparents' house, at Church, and even at the hardware store.

And little Addie even teaches her sister, June, about Mary's love for her.

Addie helping June give Mary a hug

I can't believe that was SOOOOO long ago! Anyways, timing is really funny, huh? God's timing might even be funnier. But I'm thankful for the unexpected gifts that come even in the craziest of times. As October comes to a close (okay now November because I can't even publish a post after I write it!), May Mary wrap her mantle around us all. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

***Something special we've added to the book launch is that there are 5 Marian images from the book are available to purchase! Each original artwork are 5x7 prints matted to 8x10. Click here to head to the Marian shop for these prints.

Marian prints from the book available to purchase - click here

Link to buy the Addie and Mary book - click here


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